
Practical advanced Typescript

Where not explicitly stated Typescript version it's available from 3.0+
Most of the information were taken from Advanced typescript fundamentals and Practical advanced typescript egghead courses.


interface vs. type

Interface is good for defining shapes
type is useful for defining union types, aliases and looks better for function declarations
there are also alternative declarations using interface although they're not so pretty
TS uses structural typing so until they have same structure, they're exchangable
joining types is possible with & operator and the same effect is reachable with extends for interfaces
but unions are only possible with type operator
on the other hand, interfaces allow extending same interface just with defining them
this is mostly used for extending 3rd party libraries, like in the example below, when you're author of jquery plugin and want to extend it's interface

unknown vs any

any is a most relaxed type in Typescript, it doesn't safe the variable unless you narrow the type.
unknown express lack of your knowledge about variable type, but you can't do any operations on the variable unless you narrow the type.
unknown ensures type safety, with any we resign on it
Very useful when you're author of library or package transpiled to JS. In that case, number is a happy case type, or type you expect. However unknown is a real type of variable passed down to the function.
For a good developer experience and correct types suggestion, don't forget to add function overload

in for automatic type inference

For primitive types there is typeof operator for type narrowing but we can't use it when variable is object. In that case we can use in operator.
there is an alternative in type guard function but for most simple cases it's unnecessary code

Create unions using as const

Makes an object being readonly. Also its values are narrowed to most specific type, eg. from number to 3.
It's just compiler type immutability, for runtime immutability you need to use Object.freeze or something similar.
You can convert readonly array to union type

Template literal types

TS 4.1+
Useful for creating complex union types usually composed of other unions

Numeric separators

You can use quite new ES feature called numeric separators when you need to work with big number. Separator can be used also in fractional part.

Efficient usage of never

Using never can help you prevent dead ends, usually in switch statement but can be used also in if else statements.

Self referencing types

We can self reference type inside itself, eg. for creating tree structure type

Conditional types

We can create type condtionally based on other type.
It always has format T extends U ? X : Y and result is one of possible types. It works same as usual ternary operator so conditional types can be nested.
Most useful in general utilities and libraries with lot of interfaces (look into Fela or Reselect)

asserts signature

TS 3.7+
asserts is a keyword used for return type of assertion function, allows you to create assert utilities.
When you try to write assert function as an arrow function, be aware you need to type it slightly different, otherwise you get Assertions require every name in the call target to be declared with an explicit type annotation errror.